Thinking Maps
What Are Thinking Maps?
Thinking maps are dependable visual patterns that are linked to eight key thinking processes. Using the maps allows students to visualize their thinking and create images to map their thinking. These maps help students reach higher levels of critical and creative thinking and a language of learning that can be used in every subject throughout their academic careers. The eight maps are: Circle, Bubble, Double Bubble, Tree, Brace, Flow, Multi-flow, and Bridge. Click the links below to learn more about the different thinking maps and their features. Video tutorials, pdfs, and examples and provided to help.
Which Thinking Map Do I Use?
To find out which thinking map you should use to answer a question, you must identify what type of thinking you need to do to answer the question. Do you need to define, describe, compare & contrast, classify, sequence, show causes & effects, show a part-whole relationship, or show relating factors? You can identify what thinking a question asks by looking for the skill needed to answer the essential question(s) being answered. Below is a thinking map that shows the type of thinking each map can help you visually map to answer the essential question:

If you don't know which type of thinking or skills the question is asking of you, look for signal words. Below is a thinking map for of words that signal or hint at what map you should use to match the thinking required to answer the essential question:

What Is a Circle Map?
The circle map is used to:
Tell all about/Tell everything you know
Video tutorial:
What Is a Bubble Map?
The bubble map is used to:
Describing with adjectives
Identify characteristics
Identify properties
Identify qualities
Uses vivid language
Observe using your five senses
- Video tutorial:
What Is a Double Bubble Map?
The double bubble map is used to:
Compare and contrast
Identify similarities and differences
Identify what is alike and different
Video tutorial:
What Is a Tree Map?
The tree map is used to:
Sort or group
Give sufficient and related details
For convergent and divergent thinking
Identify types or kinds of
Show main idea and details
Video tutorial:
What Is a Brace Map?
The brace map is used to:
Identify the parts of a whole
Show the structure
Take apart
Show physical components
Video tutorial:
What Is a Flow Map?
The flow map is used to:
Sequence steps, stages, or events.
Put things in order
Show cycles and processes
Order information
Analyze patterns
Video tutorial:
What Is a Multi-Flow Map?
The multi-flow map is used to analyze:
Causes and effects
Motives and consequences
Impacts and benefits
Reasons and results
If...then predictions
Video tutorial:
What Is a Bridge Map?
The bridge map is used for:
Identifying relationships
Guessing the rule/relating factor
Understand analogies, similes, and metaphors
Connecting related ideas and relationships
One-to-one correspondence
Video tutorial:
What Is the Frame of Reference?
The frame of reference is a tool to help you frame your thinking and think about your thinking. You must ask yourself, "What is framing your thinking?" To do this, you must answer three essential questions:
Where did you get the information in your map?
What is influencing the information in your map?
What conclusions can you draw from your map?
The tree maps below guides you through the frame of reference guiding questions and their location and color in the frame of reference.
How Do I Use the Thinking Maps Learning Community
You can create your thinking maps on paper on online using the Thinking Maps Learning Community. It allows you to color code maps, add images, and more! The flow maps below guides you through how to make your maps color code then, add images, and more on Thinking Maps Learning Community. There is also a video below the guide that walks you through building all 8 maps.
School Code for Students: stesca6