Hamilton vs. Jefferson
Essential Questions
Explain Hamilton’s and Jefferson’s views on the following topics: foreign policy, Alien and Sedition Acts, economic policy, National Bank, or the funding and assumption of the revolutionary debt?
How did conflicts between Jefferson and Hamilton start political parties?
The Conflicts
Today, we’re going to look at two letters from Hamilton and Jefferson to George Washington. And we’re going to see if we can get a sense of their personalities from these letters. We can learn a lot about the personalities of historical figures by reading their writing.
Alexander Hamilton
Thomas Jefferson
Activity 1: What were the differences between Hamilton and Jefferson?
First, ANSWER THE SOURCING QUESTION BEFORE READING THE DOCUMENTS. Then read the documents and answer the remaining Guiding Questions.

Discussion Questions
In your own opinion, what would you say is the BIGGEST difference between Jefferson and Hamilton?
If you were alive then, who would you like more? Why?
Activity 3: What are the differences between Jefferson (Democratic Republicans) and Hamilton (Federalists?
Using the information from this lesson, answer the questions in a thinking map. Complete this assignment digitally or on paper. It will be collected in your portfolio.
Activity 4: Political Party Writing
Write two paragraphs answering the following prompt: If you were alive during the split between political parties, which faction would you have chosen? Why?
The Origin of Political Parties
Political parties emerged during the 1790s because Americans disagreed about how the new country should be run. Thomas Jefferson disagreed with the policies of Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of Treasury. Jefferson formed the Democratic-Republicans and Hamilton formed the Federalist Party. These parties differed mainly with respect to how they saw the role of the federal government. Federalists wanted a strong federal government and less power for individuals (and states). The Democratic-Republicans were against a large government and supported the rights of states and individuals.
Activity 5: What are the causes the emergence of political parties in the U.S.?
Using the information from this lesson, answer the questions in a thinking map. Complete this assignment digitally or on paper. It will be collected in your portfolio.